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Guarnieri, Avilez, and Courtney crowned Champions in Rab’s Gold Challenge

Youth bowlers competed  in Rab’s Gold Challenge on Sunday January 21, 2018 for their chance to earn their way to compete in the 2018 Junior Gold National Championships.

Joseph Guarnieri rolled a 1035 6-game series highlighted with a pair of 203 games in the U12 division, earning him the division title.  This is the second consecutive singles win for Joseph at Rab’s.  He won the Gold Shootout back in October where he earned his spot to compete in the Junior Gold Championships.  Because Joseph already earned his spot, Bradyn Brogan of Queens Village, NY, who finished in 4th place earned the spot from this event.

In the U15 Division, Maya Avilez edged out the competition with a 963 series while Kenneth Courtney averaged 185 for 6 games (1114 series) in the U20 Division, earning both Maya and Kenneth the titles and their spots to compete in the 2018 Junior Gold Championships!

Visit the Tournament page for the complete results,

Noteworthy Scores:
Joseph Guarnieri 203, 203; Nolan Herron 190; William Kohnenkamp 199; Bradyn Brogan 192; Maya Avilez 182; Steven Souffrin 199; Kenneth Courtney 185, 208, 186; Jason Wichnovitz 224, 195; Logan Leeds 189, 201, 191; Chris Oliveri 189, 196, 207; and Daniel Block 190, 189.

The 2018 Junior Gold Championships will take place in Dallas, Texas this July 2018.

Posted Under: Announcements, Tournaments