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Perfecting Your Hook: Techniques You Should Know

Woman about to throw bowling ball

One of the most essential skills required to be a good bowler is the hook shot. Mastering this shot will help you throw more strikes, because you’ll be more likely to hit the pocket – that sweet spot between the 1 and 3 or 1 and 2 pins that sends them flying and increases the number of pins you’ll knock down. But how do you throw a hook ball? Check out these tips to improve your hook shot and your bowling game overall. 

It’s not all in the wrist. 

While your first instinct when trying to hook the ball may be to rotate your wrist, that’s actually a recipe for a gutterball. The proper way to hook a bowling ball is to use your fingers to add some side rotation on the shot. 

As you take your final step before the throw, remove your thumb from the ball, allowing your middle and index fingers to control the release of the ball. When your arm is at the lowest point of the swing and the ball is supported by those two fingers, you’ll need to remove your middle and ring fingers while twisting them to add that little flick of lift. 

Ideally, your shot will be traveling straight down the lane before the side rotation you added takes over and carries the ball into the pocket. If you’re bowling right-handed, twist counter-clockwise; if you’re bowling left-handed, twist clockwise. 

Want to put these tips to use to improve your bowling technique? You’re always welcome at Rab’s Country Lanes in Staten Island, where we host open bowling as well as some great bowling leagues!

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