Latest Updates:
As of March 7, 2022, the Key to NYC Vaccination Program has ended. Proof of Vaccination status is no longer a requirement to enter Entertainment Facilities.
We are committed to continue keeping Rab’s and our Community a safe and enjoyable place for all.
What to expect upon your visit to Rab’s:
- All facility doors may be opened by utilizing the available hands-free foot operated door handle at the bottom of the door.
- Guests should self-assess before coming to the center. Please stay at home if you are feeling sick or unwell.
- Wash and sanitize your hands often. Sanitizer Stations are available throughout the facility.
- Rental Shoes and Bowling Balls are available from the Front Counter and you will hold onto your own shoes. At the completion of bowling, please leave all rental equipment at the lanes to be sanitized for future use.
- All areas are cleaned and sanitized at the end of your session.
- Bowling is a social recreation, and while you continue to be social, we ask that all guests be aware of others personal space.
- Reservations are Recommended! Reservations may be made by clicking the ”Reserve” tab on our home page, or the “Reserve Your Lane Button” on the side of this page.